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Cups in a quart

How many cups in a quart?

How many cup (US cup) in 1 quart?. The result is:

1 quart = 4 cups (US cups)

cups in a quart

You can enter a value in the conversion box for the result.

Just type "1" (for value example) in the quart field in conversion box, than click conversion. The result will appear in the cup field.


Still in the conversion box, we can do the REVERSE unit conversion from cups to quart.

Type a value in the cups field ("1" for example), than click the conversion button. The result will appear in the quart field that is 0.25quart.

Let’s see, we have the answer for "How many cups in a quart?"

1 quart = 4 cup (US cup)

And the answer for "How many quart in 1 cup (US cup)?"

1 cup (US cup) = 0.25 quart or 1/4 quart

Quart is a measurement unit of liquid capacity or volume widely used in both the US Customary and the British Imperial System of measurement. The quart has an abbreviation as “qt”.

Cup is an US Customary unit for liquid and bulk, and dry foods volume measurement used in cooking recipes. The common cups used in a household my differ from the cup size mention here.

cups in a quart

If necessary, use the conversion in the table below to get the quick reference. The conversion value start from 1-1000 for quart to cup conversion and cup to quart conversion.

Quart Cup Cup Quart
1 4 1 0.25
2 8 2 0.50
3 12 3 0.75
4 16 4 1.00
5 20 5 1.25
6 24 6 1.50
7 28 7 1.75
8 32 8 2.00
9 36 9 2.25
10 40 10 2.50
15 60 15 3.75
20 80 20 5.00
25 100 25 6.25
30 120 30 7.50
35 140 35 8.75
40 160 40 10.00
45 180 45 11.25
50 200 50 12.50
75 300 75 18.75
100 400 100 25.00
500 2000 500 125.00
1000 4000 1000 250.00

Keep check the conversion value. Hopefully helpful and thank you for visit.

Square Box.


  1. To find out how many cups in a quart, multiply by the conversion factors or instead, please use the converter below if the conversion is from US fluid quarts.
